🚀 We Release our New Product – Day 5

Friday – You provide a state-of-the-art technology – Be an appealing employer!


Flexibility at work is changing the game in the war for talent. 


Introduce employees and visitors to the latest technology * Visitors are guided to the room; Outdoor and indoor navigation * Consultants can open doors and wardrobes with their mobile phones * Anyone can book a parking space * Employees can work from anywhere 

🚀 We Release our New Product – Day 4

Thursday – You are onsite… you are looking for the “right” desk, next to the “right” colleague! 

Who has never walked around minutes to find an available room, be it a meeting room, a think tank or even a desk? With the trend towards share desks, desks booked but not occupied will be the next challenge. The low-tech option is to keep numerous “oversized” workspaces. The smart-tech option is to make the most of your workspaces.

We worked hard to eliminate these issues, without the need to spread numerous sensors nor requesting user actions. Employees get occupancy information and much more, in real time.

🚀 We Release our New Product – Day 3

Wednesday – Your kids are at home…work next to your home!


More and more companies are supporting home office. Have your children ever disturbed you when you were working at home? Not everyone is fortunate enough to have a settled and quiet workspace!



For these reasons, we allow users to work in a professional and fully equipped environment, in co-working spaces.  With a single click, a user can book a desk or meeting room in any space of the coworking Switzerland network.   Â